There are a number of EU legal acts such which have a direct impact on the daily activities of Public, Cooperative and Social Housing providers. Throughout the EU our members are dealing with the same regulatory obligations and opportunities. This makes a regular dialogue between housing professionals at EU level useful.
Energy Efficiency Directive
The new Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU of 25 October 2012, published on the OJ on 14 November 2012) brings forward legally binding measures to step up Member States’ efforts to use energy more efficiently at all stages of the energy chain – from the transformation of energy and its distribution to its final consumption. Measures include the legal obligation to establish energy efficiency obligations schemes or policy measures in all Member States. These will drive energy efficiency improvements in households, industries and transport sectors. Other measures include an exemplary role to be played by the public sector and a right for consumers to know how much energy they consume.
Energy Efficiency Plan 2011
The Communication "Energy Efficiency Plan 2011" (adopted by the European Commission on 8 March 2011) focuses on instruments to trigger the renovation process in public and private buildings and to improve the energy performance of the components and appliances used in them. It promotes the exemplary role of the public sector, proposing to accelerate the refurbishment rate of public buildings through a binding target and to introduce energy efficiency criteria in public spending. It also encourages Member States to remove so-called split incentives and foresees obligations for utilities to enable their customers to cut their energy consumption.
Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)
The directive on energy performance of buildings (2010/31/EU of 19 May 2010, published on the OJ on 18 June 2010) is the main legislative instrument at EU level to achieve energy performance in buildings taking into account outdoor climatic and local conditions, as well as indoor climate requirements and cost-effectiveness. Under this directive, the Member States must apply minimum requirements as regards the energy performance of new and existing buildings, ensure the certification of their energy performance and require the regular inspection of boilers and air conditioning systems in buildings.
Eco-design of Energy-related Products Directive (ErP)
The eco-design products directive (2009/125/EC of 21 October 2009, published on the OJ on 31 October 2009) is a key component of the EU’s policy for improving the energy and environmental performance of products on the internal market. This directive establishes a framework for the setting of Community ecodesign requirements for energy-related products, including the energy consumption throughout their entire life cycle, with the aim of ensuring the free movement of such products within the internal market.
Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy Services Directive
The energy end-use efficiency and energy services directive (2006/32/EC of 5 April 2006, published on the OJ on 27 April 2006) is designed to enhance the cost-effective improvement of energy end-use efficiency in the Member States by providing the necessary indicative targets as well as mechanisms, incentives and institutional, financial and legal frameworks to remove existing market barriers and imperfections that impede the efficient end use of energy.
The directive also creates the conditions for the development and promotion of a market for energy services and for the delivery of other energy efficiency improvement measures to final consumers.
Directive on the Promotion of the Use of Energy from Renewable Sources
The renewable energy directive (2009/28/EC of 23 April 2009, published on the OJ on 5 June 2009) sets ambitious targets for all Member States, such that the EU will reach a 20% share of energy from renewable sources by 2020 and a 10% share of renewable energy specifically in the transport sector. It also improves the legal framework for promoting renewable electricity, requires national action plans that establish pathways for the development of renewable energy sources including bioenergy, creates cooperation mechanisms to help achieve the targets cost effectively and establishes the sustainability criteria for biofuels.
Liberalisation of Energy Markets
With the third package of legislative proposals for Europe’s electricity and gas markets, adopted by the Commission on 19 September 2007, the European Commission proposed measures which aim to benefit every single EU citizen by giving consumers greater choice, fairer prices, cleaner energy and security of supply.
In order to reach those goals, the Commission proposes to separate production and supply from transmission networks and to facilitate cross-border trade and investments in energy.
Last but not least, the Commission claims more transparency on network operation and supply as well as more effective national regulators.
The Emission Trading Scheme (ETS)
The Emission Trading Scheme is a cornerstone in the fight against climate change. The aim of this market-based instrument is to help EU Member States achieve compliance with their commitments under the Kyoto Protocol. Emission trading does not imply new environmental targets, but allows for cheaper compliance with existing targets under the Kyoto Protocol. Letting participating companies buy or sell emission allowances means that the targets can be achieved at least cost. The ETS is regulated by the directive 2004/101/EC of 27 October 2004, published on the OJ on 13 November 2004 amending directive 2003/87/EC establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community, in respect of the Kyoto Protocol’s project mechanisms.