Directive 2012/27/EU on Energy Efficiency
Article 20
Energy Efficiency National Fund, Financing and Technical Support
1. Without prejudice to Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Member States shall facilitate the establishment of financing facilities, or use of existing ones, for energy efficiency improvement measures to maximise the benefits of multiple streams of financing.
2. The Commission shall, where appropriate, directly or via the European financial institutions, assist Member States in setting up financing facilities and technical support schemes with the aim of increasing energy efficiency in different sectors.
3. The Commission shall facilitate the exchange of best practice between the competent national or regional authorities or bodies, e.g. through annual meetings of the regulatory bodies, public databases with information on the implementation of measures by Member States, and country comparison.
4. Member States may set up an Energy Efficiency National Fund. The purpose of this fund shall be to support national energy efficiency initiatives.
5. Member States may allow for the obligations set out in Article 5(1) to be fulfilled by annual contributions to the Energy Efficiency National Fund of an amount equal to the investmentsrequired to achieve those obligations.
6. Member States may provide that obligated parties can fulfil their obligations set out in Article 7(1) by contributing annually to the Energy Efficiency National Fund an amount equal to the investments required to achieve those obligations.
7. Member States may use their revenues from annual emission allocations under Decision No 406/2009/EC for the development of innovative financing mechanisms to give practical effect to the objective in Article 5 of improving the energy performance of buildings.
Turning Policy into Action
It will be up to Member States how these funds will look and they will vary from country to country and from region to region. We think that this Financing Scheme Proposed by Yamina Saheb's team at the International Energy Agency which removes financial risk from Property Owners and Residents to boost deep retrofit. What is not completely covered are the needs of low income groups, for this extra back-up potentially from ERDF, ETS revenue or income generated from energy supplier obligation schemes as outlined in article 7 of the EED.