Events Proceedings
3. July 2014
“POWER HOUSE nZEC! Second Symposium: CECODHAS Housing Europe meets Solar Decathlon Europe 2014” - 3 July 2014, Versailles, France
Setting the scene: the 4 challenges that cities of tomorrow and social housing providers will be facing The first part of the POWER HOUSE nZEC! Symposium was dedicated to the role of social and affordable housing providers... more...
18. September 2013
"E3SoHo Final European Workshop: ICT-enabled Energy Efficiency in European Social Housing" - 18 September 2013, Brussels, Belgium
E3SoHo is a European ICT-PSP project, coordinated by ACCIONA Infraestructuras, in which CECODHAS Housing Europe participated by providing a socio-economic analysis of the use of ICT in social housing. The overall aim of the... more...
22. May 2013
"SHELTER Final Conference - Innovation in the procurement of Energy renovation" - 22 May 2013, Dublin, Ireland
Improving the energy performance of buildings while reducing costs for Social Housing Providers & Residents through better planning along the whole renovation supply chain is the main goal of the IEE-funded project SHELTER... more...
19. June 2012
"SHELTER Conference - Innovate to Renovate" - 19 June 2012, Brussels, Belgium
Improving the energy performance of buildings is a cost-effective way of fighting against climate change and improving energy security while also creating job opportunities, particularly in the building sector; it is therefore... more...
12. September 2011
"New Directive - New Energy for Housing? - Clearing the way for local, participatory energy transition” - 12 September 2011, Brussels, Belgium
This event, organised by the European Federation for Public, Cooperative and Social Housing and hosted by the Committee of the Regions, focused on the proposed European Directive on Energy Efficiency, published by the... more...
22. August 2011 - 23. August 2011
"EKYL Study Visit to Housing Associations in Latvia" - 22-23 August 2011, Riga & Jelgava, Latvia
The Estonian Power House Platform is organizing a study visit to housing associations in Latvia, 22-23 August 2011. The program includes vistis to apartment buildings in two cities- Riga and Jelgava and brings together... more...
8. November 2010 - 12. November 2010
"Estonian Energy Saving Week" - 8-12 November 2010, Estonia
From the 8th till 12th November will take place Estonian Energy Saving Week, which purpose is to pay more attention to economical lifestyle and try to spend less energy. During the Week there is a possibility to participate in... more...
25. September 2010 - 16. October 2010
"HSB Climate Train" - 25 September-16 October 2010, Sweden
HSB Climate Train is a 100 meter long train filled with knowledge and tips on how to save money, energy and the climate. Visitors will learn more about housing and the climate, determining investment profitability and getting... more...
6. August 2010
"POWER HOUSE Workshop for housing associations" - 6-7 August 2010, Olustvere, Estonia
On August 6-7 2010 in Central Estonia, Olustvere, the 4th summer university of Estonian housing associations was held. The organizer of the summer university was the Estonian Union of Cooperative Housing Associations. The range... more...
24. March 2010
"Getting to grips with energy poverty: From EU to Cities to Homes" - 24 March 2010, Brussels, Belgium
While the European Union is completing its single energy market, recent studies suggest that energy poverty is being faced by an increasing number of households. Energy poverty means the inability to heat your house to an... more...