12. June 2014 - 13. June 2014
"POWER HOUSE Divided/Cooperative ownership TaskForce Workshop & Study visit" - 12-13 June 2014, Tallinn, Estonia
In Divided and Cooperative property buildings, the role of tenants or owners is crucial for the decision making process, especially for what concerns the retrofitting of existing buildings. Furthermore, Member States have different legal frameworks in place, in some cases with special rules for energy efficient renovation.
The aim of the Workshop organized by EKÜL - the Estonian Union of Co-operative Housing Associations, was to take stock of the situation in different countries and to address good organizational practices to facilitate the decision-making process for the renovation of divided and cooperative ownership buildings.
Please download here the presentations made during the Workshop:
Setting the scene:
Split incentives in the building sector from all across the EU
Ms Marina Economidou - DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Buildings in the Estonian National Energy Strategy
Mr Madis Laaniste - Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
Contractual & Decision Making aspects with homeowners: the experience of Factor 20
Mr Matteo Zanchi - Department of Energy, Polytechnic University of Milan
Examples from other EU Countries:
An overall approach for energy Efficiency measures in a housing cooperative
Ms Emilia Fång & Sofia Berg Horne - Riksbyggen
Implementation of a program to improve energy efficiency in residential buildings
Mr Sergej Sidorko - The Latvian Union of Apartment Associations
Legal and organisational framework: the German case
Mr Fabian Viehrig - GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V.
Please note that to complement the Workshop, EKÜL organised a technical study visit to three different cooperative developments in the area...a short video-clip of the visits will be soon available on the CECODHAS Housing Europe YouTube channel!
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