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4. March 2014

"POWER HOUSE Financing TaskForce Workshop" - 4 March 2014, Brussels, Belgium

The aim of the Workshop "Financing the Energy Transition in the affordable housing sector: the missing part of the Energy and Climate Policies for 2030?" was to propose and discuss a financing model for energy refurbishment of the social housing sector that would be based on the aggregation of financing needs on the one hand and financing sources on the other hand, what we would call aggregators of low-carbon finance for housing. In this model, financial intermediaries would play a key role.

Please download here the presentations made during the Workshop:

Mapping the renovation and financing needs in the EU:

Renovation efforts and future needs in the housing sector
Mr Piotr Zetara & Rolf Bastiaanssen - Bax & Willems Consulting

Draft Report “Energy refurbishment for sustainable Social, Public and Cooperative Housing: Insights on the current market and trends towards 2020”
Mr Piotr Zetara & Rolf Bastiaanssen - Bax & Willems Consulting

Aggregating financial streams for affordable housing refurbishments:

The role of the European Investment Bank in finding the right approach for low carbon finance
Mr Frank Lee - European Investment Bank

Financial Instruments and the 2014-2020 European and Structural Funds: Presentation of a study by ADEME in France
Mr Christophe Milin - ADEME

Financing decentralized energy production:

Financing the Sustainable Energy Transition in the affordable housing sector
Mr Karel Devreaux - EcoPower / REScoop

Financial Barriers and Conditions for Renewable Energy Cooperatives
Mr Mathieu Richard - ENERcoop / REScoop 

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