11. June 2013 - 12. June 2013
"POWER HOUSE Divided/Cooperative ownership TaskForce workshop: How to finance energy efficiency? Focus on divided and cooperative ownership multifamily buildings" - 11-12 June 2013, Milan, Italy
The construction sector in Italy is in a deep crisis and is struggling to find ways to restart. Many observers think that the green economy and especially energy retrofit represent concrete opportunities to boost the sector. Furthermore, the European Union is orienting Member States towards a significant cut of greenhouse gas emissions generated by buildings.
To achieve those objectives, two main issues must be solved at least: how to gather the initial capital for the investments and how to support the adoption of innovative technologies. This is more complicated in multifamily buildings where the property can be divided between several subjects.
The workshop was addressed to representative of the Cooperative and Social Housing sector, and to all those who have a responsibility in the drafting and management of programmes to incentivise and finance energy efficiency.
Please download here the presentations made during the event:
Setting the scene - key instruments available:
The Kyoto Fund & the European Energy Efficiency Fund (EEEF)
Mr Valter Menghini - Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
Energy Efficiency Certificates
Mr Matteo Manica - Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia
Incentive and Financial Schemes to finance Energy Efficiency in Italy
Mr Mario Nocera - ENEA
Instruments and methodology for the energy refurbishment of residential buildings
Mr Marco Corradi - ACER Reggio Emilia
Energy Performance Contracting in the framework of the FACTOR 20 Project
Ms Valentina Sachero - D.G Ambiente, Energia e Reti, Regione Lombardia
Successful stories from EU countries:
The English case: The Green Deal Programme
Mr David Cox - National Landlords Association
The Estonian case: The Kredex revolving fund
Ms Mirja Adler - Kredex
The French case: Le Grenelle de l’environnement & use of Structural Funds
Ms Carine Puyol - L’Union Sociale pour l’Habitat
The Dutch case: Revolving funds for energy refurbishment
Mr René van Genugten - AEDES
The Austrian case: Promotion schemes and concrete examples
Mr Walter Hüttler - e7
The Italian case: Energy refurbishment of the housing stock - a proposal from Legambiente
Mr Gabriele Nanni - Legambiente
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