4. November 2014
In cooperation with the Covenant of Mayors Office, Housing Europe held the webinar "The nearly-Zero Energy Challenge for Housing providers and cities – a contribution to energy security?" on 4th November 2014 addressed to public authorities in order to present the preliminary findings of the work carried out in the framework of the “POWER HOUSE nearly-Zero Energy Challenge!”.
The video recordings of the Webinar are available at the following link: http://www.covenantofmayors.eu/Webinars.html
Please download here the presentations made during the Webinar:
Overcoming obstacles and legal barriers in Divided/Cooperative ownership
Ms Anu Sarnet, EKYL, Estonia
Assessing the cost-optimal level of investments
Ms Eva Bauer, GbV, Austria
Providing appropriate finance
Mr Steve Cole, NHF, UK
Raising awareness and training residents
Ms Eleonora Gaydarova, CAC, Bulgaria
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