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Resource: LEEAN (Local Energy Efficiency Advice and Networks) BEST - PRACTICE CATALOGUE

Name of organisation:

Type of ressource: case studies/ best practice

Addressed barriers:

  • skills/ knowledge gap
  • low motivation

Addressed users:

  • public decision maker
  • site manager
  • project manager
  • building owner
  • tenant/ cooperator
  • building user (social housing organization)


  • English

Process stage:


Partnership Working Work with Residents


LEEAN intends to support municipal staff, staff of (social) housing
associations and local energy agencies in consulting private house
owners, tenants, businesses, immigrants as well as families suffering
from fuel poverty to cut energy costs, to behave in an energy
efficient manner and to get to know and adapt adequate good EE
practises. LEEAN concentrates on the building and housing sector
which accounts for 40 % of total EU energy consumption.
LEEAN will fulfil these objectives by using a broad variety of energy
efficiency instruments and measures as well as an intensive interregional
know-how exchange on existing approaches and instruments.
An essential part of LEEAN is to initiate and strengthen energy advisory
networks and associations to improve energy efficiency on a
local and regional level.



Related Files
Best_Practice_catalogue__1_.pdf (1301.5 kB)