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Resource: Guidebook on energy intelligent retrofitting for saving at least 30 % energy

Name of organisation: IEE project "EI-Education" reviewed by SABO (SW)

Type of ressource: tool

Addressed barriers:

  • technical
  • skills/ knowledge gap
  • managerial
  • low motivation

Addressed users:

  • building owner
  • design team
  • project manager
  • O&M staff
  • public decision maker


  • English
  • German
  • Danish
  • Bulgarian

Process stage:

  • pre- design phase (appraisal and strategic briefing)
  • design phase (project briefing)
  • call for tender phase
  • construction phase (construction briefing)
  • maintenance and repair phase


Project Management Capacity Building Thermal Insulation Windows and Shading Air Tightness Environmental Design Solar Thermal Solar Photovoltaic Other Renewables Heating and Hot Water Cooling Ventilation


The primary objective of the EI-Education was to give the European social housing companies and municipalities knowledge and tools to perform energy efficient retrofitting in form of a guidebook with best practical examples, ideas and checklists.
The guidebook describes why to renovate, when to renovate and how to renovate and contains the following chapters:
1. Status quo on energy intelligent retrofitting in 6 countries;
2. When to renovate: represents the political and strategic level. It gives inputs for the discussions in your organisation – from general information on the EPBD (Directive on Energy Performance in Buildings) over metering and energy book-keeping to financing concepts;
3. How to renovate: presentsrelevant best practice technologies. For each technical element is a description of why and how to use it. The descriptions are meant to be a help in deciding how to renovate. The descriptions can also be used as a “Technical Energy Savings’ Encyclopedia”;
4. Checklists & tools: presents a number of checklists and tools that can help to implement energy savings in a concrete project;
5. Best practice examples: presents best practice examples, which have all saved al least 30 % of the energy consumption compared with the situation before the renovation. The examples come from 10 different countries in Europe and are categorized in three groups:
- Technology & Environment
- Organisation & Financing
- Policy & Strategy;
6. Recommendations to overcome barriers and support drivers: listing typical drivers and barriers for energy intelligent retrofitting in Europe – and recommendations on how to manage the processes;
7. Literature and links: presents references and recommended reading.



All the details can be found at the website and it´s free of charge.