Resource: User and organisational requirements for Energy Awareness Services
Name of organisation: IEE project 'save@work4homes' reviewed by HTC
Type of ressource: analysis/ technical report
Addressed users:
- building user (social housing organization)
- tenant/ cooperator
- site manager
- public decision maker
- English
Process stage:
- use phase (occupancy briefing)
- user involvement process
This document reports the first quantitative results of a survey 2637 tenants in the three countries involved in the project (1048 in France, 1048 in Germany and 541 in Northern Ireland) during February, March and April 2007:
- In France : Moulins Habitat (survey conducted in Moulins) and le Toit
Angevin (survey conducted in Angers)
- In Ireland : Northern Ireland Housing Executive (survey conducted in
- In Germany: Volkswohnung (survey conducted in Karlsruhe), Stadt und
Land (survey conducted in Berlin) and Nassauische Heimstatte (survey
conducted in Frankfurt
From the answers to this large survey, we may conclude that there is a high interest from the tenants of European social housings to get reliable information on their energy consumption and an obvious need for advice on saving potential and saving measures that are possible for them. Social housing companies are considered by tenants as the appropriate actor to provide this king of information.
So, due to increasing electronic metering, the necessary information on energy consumption pattern on a monthly basis will be available to housing company, either already today or in the near future. This fact shall be used to develop a qualified information service for the tenants, using adequate information channels (paper, posters in the building entrances, letters and Internet tenant portal).
The document is availble free of charge.