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Case Study: Klimaat op Maat – Customised climate

Name of organisation: Zonnige Kempen

Stage of development: completed

Year of finalization: 2007

Type of project: refurbishment

Area: rural

Scale: regional

Type of building: single or two storey house

Number of units/dwellings: 11

Tenure: social rental

Street: Roteinde, Herselt (Ramsel)


City: Herselt

Region/ County:

Country: Belgium

Last Update: 06.04.2010

Work with Residents Heating and Hot Water

Short Description

Klimaat op Maat (Customised Climate) is an adapted version of the project Klimaatwijken (Climate Neighbourhoods) where cities encourage occupants to have a different look at the use of energy. This approach was not directly relevant to social housing as social tenants don’t have the possibility to put in extra insulation in the roof of their homes, the dwellings are more compact and the use of energy is relatively different, and the tenants are less involved and concerned.

Zonnige Kempen challenged the tenants of two of its social housing estates to participate in the project and for four months to
- Reduce the energy consumption by 8% (gas and electricity),
- To waste less energy (using common sense),
with the help of an energy-teacher (Zonnige Kempen).

The economic returns seemed to be a decisive element to the tenants.

Key Elements

Work with Residents

Tenants were invited to meetings to make them aware of the principles of sustainable living with the main emphasis on energy.
Personalised advice was given to tenants during home visits.
Zonnige Kempen is building low energy houses, but tenants are as important in how they make use of the opportunities.

Tenants were asked to record the meter readings and to communicate them to Zonnige Kempen. After screening the energy consumption, Zonnige Kempen provided the tenants with customised tips and advice, after with energy consumption reduced.

Heating and Hot Water

Heating is the most important use of energy. Tenants got advice about appropriate ventilation and optimal heating in order to reduce heat loss

Main Results

Results for this project are:
- The most important fact is that tenants made savings on their energy bills and got a better idea about energy management.
- Energy brought tenants on one estate closer together.
- Zonnige Kempen obtained a better understanding of the condition of their dwellings and the impact of tenants on levels of energy usage.
- The tips and measures taken from the project will be extended to other tenants (as a guide for occupants).

Lessons learned

- The most important lesson learned is that ‘monitoring is knowing’. Practice has to be checked against the objectives both during and at the end of a project and, if necessary, there should be adequate feedback.
- The project demanded a great deal of effort, guidance and organisation in respect of the occupants.
- Part of the communication with the tenants could be based on local initiatives with better participation of the people living in the area.
- The social housing company should focus more on the (energy) quality and maintenance of the dwellings.
- The project Klimaat op Maat resulted in the (thermal) renovation of the dwellings in the Kabienstraat at Laakdal. Even the owners of social houses in the area asked to renovate their homes in the same way.